Beautify Chula Vista Day October 2016

Thank you to all who participated in the Beautify Chula Vista Day event that took place on October 15th.  Our annual event was at Rice Canyon for the removal of invasives along a 1.2 mile stretch of trail, Discovery Canyon and Rancho Del Rey Business District for litter removal, and our fall revegetation project between Buena Vista and Via Goya along the parkways of Rancho Del Rey Pkwy South.

40 volunteers participated in our annual revegetation project and planted over 300 hundred plants: 200 hundred California Native plants and 100 succulents, and spread 65 yards of mulch along the east- and westside parkways of Rancho Del Rey Pkwy South.

Hover mouse over picture gallery to get a quick caption.

A BIG thank you to Mayor Mary Casillas Salas for participating in the planting of our waterwise plant material and spreading of mulch.


Here’s the gallery of after pictures.

Here’s a quick reference of our plant palette.  Hover mouse over picture gallery to get a quick identification of plants.