Sambucus mexicana ‘Elderberry’

Elderberry is native to canyons, valleys west of Sierra Nevada from Oregon to Baja; its often seen along rivers and streams. This fast growing deciduous shrub or tree can reach heights of 8’ to 25’ feet, the flat top clusters blooms of the Elderberry are creamy yellow and are followed by blue berries. It likes full sun to partial shade; will take extreme drought after it get its roots established. Its bluish-black berries are excellent in jelly, pie, syrup and wine.

The Cahuilla Indians used Elderberry blossoms as a medicinal tea to treat fevers, upset stomachs, colds and flu. The juice of the berry was squeezed and used as a coloring dye for basket materials, the stem of the berry made a yellow-orange dye. Twigs of the Elderberry were used in making whistles. Pruning keeps the tree attractive.