Thimble Cactus

Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis

Thimble cactus

Thimble Cactus is a clump-forming cactus; the clumps can exceed 12 inches in width. Stems can be up 1 inch thick and are easily disarticulated. Tubercles are in 5-8 spirals with 12-16 white radial spines, which are needle shaped and up to 5mm long. The central spine is brown at the tips pointed outward and stout. Flowers are yellow to pale yellow and about a ½ inch long.

This cactus is very showy and great for containers.

Thimble Cactus

 Tiny globular bodies are densely covered with interlaced white radial spines. Clusters prolifically to form large mats.

Family: Cactaceae

Genus: Mammillaria 

Species: gracilis

Variety: fragilis

Common Name: Thimble Cactus